Web Page V9 Icon
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Tags: fam icons, windows xp icons, web 2.0 icons, desktop icons black and, icon nater
- To be royally indulgent to those who does not deserve it?
- Yes, here it is pleasant to me, - Genarr has vigorously nodded. - yes, such situation approaches me most of all. It has again burst out laughing, this time already without tears.
- You too the madman. You know, for some reason earlier I did not notice it.
- At me the secrets. When you learn me better... In due course, certainly...
it has interrupted sharp hum of the receiver of messages.
- Here you see, Judzhinija, - having frowned Genarr has told, - only I have reached the most important thing... Itself I do not understand, how it was possible to me, but the fact remains: you were already ready to thaw... And here us interrupt. Oh-ho-ho! - Ton Genarra was sharply changed: is from Saltada Leveretta.
- From whom?
- You do not know it. In general almost nobody knows it. The bolshego eremite I in a life did not see. It works and lives in a belt of asteroids because there it is pleasant to it. I did not see this old idler some years. However, what it old, approximately my coeval. The message is coded. Aha, it will be shown only after prints of my thumbs are identified. Means, it so the classified information that I need at first to ask to leave you and only then to open the message.
it at once has risen, but it gesture has stopped it.
- I often think and how to be to who does not have thumb...
- Also has suddenly become silent. All as silently it has transmitted the message of Judzhinii.
- Unless it is possible for me?
- Certainly, it is impossible. - Genarr has negatively shaken a head. - but to whom before business? Read.
it has fast run the message and has with astonishment lifted eyes:
- Another's ship? Is going to land here?
- Anyway so it is told in the message, - Genarr has nodded.
- And how Marlena? She there, on Eritro, - has scaredly told Judzhinija.
- it it also will protect.
- Why you so are assured? It can be absolutely another's ship which any other beings operate. And suddenly Eritro is not imperious over them?
- We too were absolutely others for Eritro, but it has easily coped with us.
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