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Tags: models icons, emo lj icons, icons for site, eye icon, change a file icon
Possibly, there will be also other races with even less attractive qualities.
The choice will not be difficult, friend Deniel if we learn to divide. We
Should allocate desirable races and to protect them, instead of to be compelled
To choose between the undesirable. But as we can reach wished, while at
We are not present psychohistory, a science of which I dream, but I can not learn?
- I cannot evaluate difficulty of possession ability to feel and
To influence a brain. Cannot be that you know too much, that
To allow Zakonam Robotehniki to work smoothly?
- Such possibility always was, friend Deniel, but recent events
Have made its actual. I know, how there is in me a sensation process
Another's brain and influence on it. I carefully studied decades myself,
To learn it, and could transmit it to you that you have reprogrammed
Itself also became like me... But while I resist to this prompting. It
It would be bad in relation to you. That I bear this consignment will suffice.
- Nevertheless, friend Zhiskar, if sometime on your judgement
The blessing for mankind will require it, I will accept the consignment. The zero Law will oblige
Me to make it.
- Meanwhile it is useless conversation. It seems that crisis approaches,
And we at all do not know its nature.
- You are wrong, - have interrupted Deniel. - Now I know the crisis nature.
It was impossible to expect that Zhiskar will show surprise. His face not
It was capable of it. Its voice has been modulated, so that speech sounded
Humanly also was not monotonous or unpleasant. However these modulations
Were never changed from emotions. Therefore when he has asked:
- You it are serious? - These words have sounded so as if it expressed
Doubt in the remark of Deniela about tomorrow's weather. But on its manner, with
What it has turned to Denielu as it has raised a hand, it was clear that it
It is surprised.
- Yes, friend Zhiskar, - has answered Deniel.
- How you have received the information?
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