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That is necessary for the advertisement
In your marketing announcement should contain:
1) Motivation – underline advantages of a seminar and advantage of participation;
2) Cost, registration and payment procedures – switch on names of credit cards accepted by you and an order of reception of checks and warrants;
3) Your address and phone number – these elements are forgotten often (or contain only on cards-answers) that can upset the potential visitor who has received the brochure not by mail, and from the third party;
4) Names of teachers – the information on their persons and education (it is possible to switch on pictures);
5) Seminar materials – the description of the received information and a seminar format (switch on good pictures of materials);
6) Explanation of what to undertake not managed to take part in a seminar (whether they can make it at a following seminar or to buy past materials – for choice);
7) The answer mechanism – leave a phone number (a free call), send cards-answers (make so that the answer to you was simple and convenient);
8) Possibility of immediate actions – find the reason on which they should communicate with you before will postpone the brochure and will forget about it;
9) Acknowledgement of sponsors, responses or any other kind of a recognition – support of known people or the organisations with good reputation will strengthen trust to you (potential participants will find its less risky);
10) Exception of the sum which are subject to taxation by surtax (there where it is applicable). A standard phrase for this purpose:« The exception of the sum assessed with surtax, is authorised for expenses for education on increase of level of professional qualification that includes registration, expenses on a trip, a food and residing (in such formulation the Certificate of tax laws of 1987 about an exception of payment for seminars of the sum, taxable, remains in any sense uncertain and opened for interpretation. The newsletter «Professional Consultant and Seminar Business Report» for October, 1986 contains such information – «to the Organizers using in advertising of data that payment for a seminar is excluded from the sum, taxable, it is necessary to change marketing strategy. In the new law makes a reservation that before to exclude payment for a seminar from the sum, taxable, the individual should spend $1000 for education with a view of increase of professional level. In this case the privilege in the field of taxes will be defined by a taxation category. By old rules expenses on registration, materials, trips and so forth completely got to a category free of taxes. As corporations all the same save possibility to avoid taxes to the similar expenses, new legislation will be reflected only in the citizens spending own money. On consisting in associations on business dealing the new Certificate too will not be reflected. Not consisting in associations make approximately 11 % from all participants of the general seminars and courses. Colleges, universities and the regional schools representing the advanced line of education most will suffer. If the companies, it seminars, earn only 7 % from the aggregate profit which is brought by the individuals who are not consisting in associations educational bodies – 47 % »;
11) Policy of cancellation – if you reserve the right of cancellation of a seminar should mention it in the advertising. Here standard, formulations often used for this purpose: «If it is not enough participants for carrying out of a seminar, it it will be declared not later... (Date)»; «All places of carrying out and date are subject to change with the notice in writing enlisted». Stipulate conditions of refusal of the participant from a seminar that usually it is represented in the form of date to which enlisted receives full either partial compensation or use of the payment brought for a seminar, on other services – after certain date;
12) Contacts for the further information – give a surname, a phone number or the address for communication with you concerning the further information (it is useful to familiarise with granting of the similar information on an example of the brochure for my own seminar, given on the following page in a reduced form).
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