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The end of the ends it is its idea.
- Quite right. Such ideas can arise only at it. I think,
- Well.
- Do not joke. Sometimes it seems to me that you approve its aspiration all
To do alone. I therefore have arrived on the Moon: to look after it, instead of
Behind the ship.
- If you have arrived behind it, Hector, you shirk work.
- Well, I cannot go everywhere behind it, as a hen for a chicken. With
It Bigmen. I have told to the kid that I will remove from it a skin alive if Varnishes will decide
- I speak to you, it will make it, - has grumbled Konvej. - Also that all
Worse, leaves, certainly, dry water. - well also what?
- It will even more encourage him, and once he will overworkly risk, and it
To us it is too valuable, we cannot lose it!
John Bigmen Dzhonz, rocking, went on the trampled down clay
Surfaces and with the greatest care bore the mug of beer.
Pseudo-gravitation did not extend for limits of the city, therefore in
Area it it was necessary to cope with own field of gravitation
The moon. Fortunately, John Bigmen Dzhonz was born and has grown on Mars, where gravitation
Makes two fifth terrestrial so that to it it was not especially difficult. On
Mars it would weigh fifty pounds, and on the Earth hundred twenty. It has approached to
To the sentry whom, being amused, watched it. The sentry was in a uniform
National lunar guards also has got used to local gravitation. John Bigmen
- has told:
- Hey! Do not stand so gloomy. I have brought to you beer. Bitterns!
The sentry was surprised, then has regretfully told:
- I can not. On a post it is impossible.
- Well, all right. I will consult itself. I John Bigmen Dzhonz. Call me Bigmen. -
It reached to the sentry only a chin, and that was not especially high, but
When Bigmen has given a hand, it did it as though top-down. - my name is
Bert Wilson. You from Mars?
The sentry has looked at red-green half boots of Bigmena. Only the farmer
From Mars it can appear in such boots in space. It with pride
Has looked at them.
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