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Could not concern without horror the theory which aspires to undermine a source
Any industrial progress (183). One more case has forced me
To feel all sinfulness of my item. Though to me also have not allowed to read
Lectures on political economy in London, have allowed me thanks to the big
To liberalism of movement of national rates at the Oxford university to address
To a provincial audience, having limited to practical questions,
Concerning working class positions. Just at this time the organisation
Charities has planned to conduct a series of lectures on the economic
To questions also has suggested me to prepare a rate. I have expressed the readiness
To undertake this new lecture work, as suddenly, suddenly, without everyone
Explanations, the offer has been withdrawn. Even then I have not absolutely understood,
That, calling into question into advantages of boundless thrift, I have made
Inexcusable sin ".
In this early work with the co-author Gobson more directly, than in
The latest works, has expressed a classical economic theory, on
By which it has been brought up. For this reason and also because it was
The first exposition of its theory, I will result citations from it to show,
The criticism of authors is how much significant and was well reasonable and is correct
There was their intuition. They as follows characterise a being in the preface
Those conclusions which they subject to criticism:
"The savings enrich, and the expenditure of money does poor company, as well as
Separate persons and consequently it is possible to put forward as general provisions that
The valid love to money underlies these economic
Achievements. It not only enriches the most economical person, but also
Raises wages, gives employment by the unemployed and wastes blessings
Anywhere and everywhere. From daily newspapers and to the newest economic treatises, from
Chairs of the preacher and to the House of Commons it is position repeated incessantly
Until to doubt it it became simple impiety. And still
The formed world with support of the majority of economists, up to
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