Love Icon
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Tags: mikk icons, sisterly love icons, miller fashion icon, despised icon furtive monolgue lyrics, cool safari icons
On a Pascal the cycle structure "While" is written as follows:
While <condition> Do <operator>;
However, laconically? In Russian it is possible to read so: "While the condition is true, to fulfil the operator". Here, just as in an if statement format, performance only one operator is meant. If it is necessary to fulfil some operations can be used
The compound statement. Then the operator format assumes such air:
While <condition> Do
<#1 operator>;
<#2 operator>;
<#3 operator>;
. . .
Cycle "TO"
This sort of a cycle differs from previous basically that check
Conditions of repetition of an iteration body is not before it, and after. Therefore a cycle
"To" name as a cycle "with a postcondition", and "While" - "with the precondition".
Will pay also attention that new iteration (iteration body reexecution) occurs not when a condition fairly and so time when it is false. Therefore the cycle also has received the name (to satisfy the iteration body before performance of an appropriate condition).
It is interesting that in a case, when a cycle condition initially truly, a body
Cycle all the same it will be fulfilled at least once. This difference "to" from "while" has led to that in programming they do not substitute each other, and are used for problem solving to which they more approach.
Cycle format on a Pascal:
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