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Steppes, both women have stayed the fascinated. The steppe blossomed unusually bright

Colours, unprecedented in Ellade.

On high naked stalks balls of the marvellous shook under a wind

Seldom growing solnechno-yellow, absolutely gold spherical

Inflorescences of high plants with narrow and rare leaves. Gold with the blue

The pattern was spread afar on a dusty-green background in the transparent morning


- Fable, instead of flowers! - the Macedonian amazed with the fantastic has exclaimed

Diversity. It was a pity to rumple their beauty hoofs of horses.

They have turned to the right to go round the party, and have again stayed

Before young growth of even more strange colours. To feet of horsemen got Grass with rigid it, the covered large purple colours in shape Five-pointed stars with hardly expanded it and directly cut off on

To the ends petals. It has not sustained. Having come off the ambler, an eye has dug

Armful of purple colours, and it has collected gold and blue spheres.

Stalks of the last have appeared very similar to usual onions with sharp onions


it has rushed off at full speed back and it was lifted on northern pass to

To small temple of cold, derisive, foreign Ishtar. Trying not To look in narrow green-golden eyes, it has hasty spread out flowers on

Altar, has stood for about a minute and has crept in a sanctuary to a high relief

Terrible Lilit. There it has unfastened a hairpin and has stuck it into a finger of a left hand,

Has spread with scattered blood an altar and, licking it, has left without looking back.

On a way home cheerfulness has left it, and she has become sad, as last day - . Or magic of the goddess of Persians was that?

Soon Tais has found the reason of the thoughtfulness. For some reason after

Visitings of Ishtar were born fear for the beautiful soldier. That, if the young man

Was decided to ask love of a black priestess, without knowing anything about laws of Kibely? But

They should warn the neophyte, what to it threatens? Otherwise it not only

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Database Icon Set Database Icon Set brings you a variety of bright and colorful icons for database application development. The images are provided in all the typical icon sizes and file formats include ICO, BMP, GIF and PNG.

Standard Admin Icons Releasing a software for system administrators, creating a network utility or developing an online log file analyzer? Enhance any software with a pack of Standard Admin Icons from Aha-Soft!

Business Software Icons Business Software Icons bring you a wonderful library of XP-style graphics for accounting and similar software. The set is of exceptional quality and encompasses the whole world of finance.

Large Commerce Icons If you are looking for a contemporary and stylish design for you e-commerce application, think about using icons in large sizes. Large Commerce Icons collection by Aha-Soft is exeactle what you need. This set provides the best appearance to all your projects.

Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons depict a number of weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images arprovided in all resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile platforms. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest resolution.