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Tags: folder icons, elctrolux icon, www funny icons, phone icon file, little icon to
- a background of Vizere and Ludwig a background of Mizese, about Joseph Shumpetere (one of leaders
Figures in economic thought of 20 centuries, got education in the Austrian
Traditions, though and not belonging to the Austrian school per se); about less
Known economists of Evalde Shamse and Richard a background of Strigle; about two figures
The Viennese intellectual scene, philosophers Ernest Mahe and Ludwig Vitgenstein,
Cousin to Hayek's cousin. In the second part works about new opening are collected
Freedom in post-war Europe, with especial allocation of Germany and
The international company Mont Perelin, the influential liberal organisation,
Created by Hayek in 1947. In both parts the theme penetrating is mentioned
Hayek's all works on a social order: a role of ideas - and especially
Economic theory - in preservation of liberal company.
In the rest of this Introduction I will outline Hayek's career and I will try to understand
Place of its ideas in historical and theoretical prospect. Before
To continue, it is necessary to make one terminological remark. Hayek uses
Word "liberalism" in its classical, European significance, for a designation
The social order based on open markets, on the government,
Limited to the power of laws, and on a personal liberty priority. As he explains
In the Preface to the first (1956) popular edition of its classical work the Way
To slavery: it I use the term "liberal" in its reference value, as it
It was used in a XIX-th century and till now it is used in Britain. In the modern
The American use it designates something quite opposite. In
Result of masking it movements in this country to which was helped by dullness
Many of those who really trusted in freedom, "liberal" began to mean
Protection almost all kinds of the governmental control. I am perplexed till now,
Why in the United States true supporters of freedom not only have allowed
Left to pirate this almost irreplaceable term, but even to them with it have helped,
Having started to use it as shameful it.it [F.A.Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
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