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Orgy of the Roman animosities and - that is even worse - general indifference,
Resembled on Greek that allowed to guess sounding of words. But to it all
Also it was reached. At it language as if would not be relatives among
The next languages, it seemed very ancient and, probably, at all was not
It has guided Bronovsky at thought to address to other language, which
Too as if would not be related to any of the next languages, which
This language was quite live, and spoke on it in the area possessed not
So it is far from those places where there is no time lived it.
Language of Basques? Bronovsky has mused. Also has based on the
Researches it language. It was not here the first, but its predecessors
After vain attempts eventually were receded from this idea. Bronovsky
It was not receded.
It was the hardest work, as it language, in itself
Extremely difficult, it has appeared more than modest help. But than longer
Attended to Bronovsky researches, that became firmer than it
Reliance that between ancient inhabitants of northern Italy and northern
Spain, undoubtedly, there was a certain cultural relation. At it
Enough data was typed to construct a convincing hypothesis about
Widely occupying the Western Europe it which language was the ancestor
Have dispersed. Furthermore followed consider that it language has stayed in
The development, and it continued to develop two more thousand years,
Having tested thus significant effect of Spanish. Logically to introduce,
What its structure during an epoch of Ancient Rome was, and then to connect
The received results with problems it language - meant really
To make rare on difficulty an intellectual feat, and it is clear that
Philologists of all world have been amazed, when Bronovsky it was possible to make it.
However, the contents of monuments it writings has appeared
Surprisingly uninteresting and for history has not given almost anything - almost
All of them were ritual gravestone inscriptions. But the fact of transfer was
It is stunning and during the further events has served for Lamonta saving
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