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Our discussion will be only the beginning and that is not of great importance, from what
We will begin.
The chapter VII. The Value of engineering at a socialism (I): character and history
It is reprinted from Collectivist Economic Planning, ed. F.A.Hayek (London: George
Routledge AND Sons, Ltd., 1935).
There are all bases to believe that we at last enter during an era given reason
Companies on a rationale. More half a century went the continuous
Distribution of belief to conscious regulation of all public affairs,
Which by all means will appear more successful, than seeming casual
Interaction of independent individuals. As a result today hardly somewhere in the world
There is the political group which is not acting, in aspiration to this or that purpose, for
The centralised management of the majority of kinds of human activity.
It seemed that so it is easy to improve institutes of free company, which all
It is more and started to consider as result of simple contingency, a product more
Original historical development which quite could accept other
Direction. To introduce an order to this chaos, to apply reason to the organisation
Companies and to generate it it is conscious, in all details, according to
Human desires and the general ideas of justice is it was represented
Unique line of actions, worthy reasonable beings.
However today it is already clear to and it, apparently, would recognise all parties, -
That during the basic period when there was an increase of this belief, some from
The most serious problems of assumed reorganisation were not even
Are realised, not to mention their successful permission. Many years discussion
Socialism - and on an extent it their parts movement in favour of conscious
Managements of company grew exclusively from a socialism in the own
Sense of a word - almost it has been completely concentrated on ethical and
Psychological aspects. On the one hand, there was a general question, require
Whether reasons of justice of reorganisation of company on the socialist
Schemes and what principles of distribution of the income should consider as
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