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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: profile background image code, culture body image, sdl_image os, pussie images, icon of unyielding courage

Ferocity, severe and bloody violence, objectionable to gods of beating

The defenceless. Instead of knowledge of the earth, a pacification, a generality of those customs,

Beliefs and the purposes in what all people of the world are similar, there were uncountable

Circles of the future struggle, intrigues and misfortunes. Here and now, some years

Later after empire section, blood continues to flow, and war does not go out In Ellade, Ionia, Mesopotamia and on islands of the Green sea.

- Why it was received so, instead of differently, the father? - Has asked Tais.

- Otherwise cannot be, if the one to whom are given Force, Gold, the Will to change

Destinies of the states and people, does not understand that at each of these parts

Power there is its underside which the destiny will inevitably turn to To the person if not to accept safety measures. At Gold - humiliation, Envy, struggle for riches for the sake of riches; at Force - cruelty,

Violence, murder; at Will - persistence on Force and Gold application, blindness.

- What protection against these malicious forces?

- Love, my daughter. If all three mighty levers are applied with love And for the sake of love to people.

- And the Love does not have back?

- Alas, is, however at other, more personal level. Relations of people

Between itself can generate desire to humiliate other, to torment and heat in

Dirt. At light hearts of it does not happen, but to the person of crowd, beaten,

Humiliated if not in itself in the ancestors or relatives, - it is peculiar.

- You have not answered how to be saved from it, the father.

- Be always kept the middle, looking back at edges.

- About, I know. My teacher told me the same. Probably, wisdom everywhere

Comes to one.

- And you read an inscription on a pediment of our temple, here this?

- I cannot read sacred language and ancient letters of Egypt!

- "Meden it" - "Anything excessive"; "the Measure - the most noble"; "Ubris (impudent arrogance) - the worst";"Learn depth of the Hearts!"

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Medical Icons for Vista Medical Icons for Vista has been design to avoid any misconceptions arising while viewing a medical webpage or using a medical program. The icons are provided in various sizes and formats.

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