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Esoteric tourism

Esoteric tourism - a new and, in his own way, unique area of tourism. Ezoturizm can rightfully be called a new page in the history of the spiritual evolution of mankind. Esoteric tourism - you can literally be described as a "crusade for a" campaign to get to know yourself, discover something new in your life, look at the seemingly intractable problems in their lives differently. Indeed, in our crazy time that robs man of his natural essence, in exchange for the artificial values, more and more people turning to the mechanisms and taking away from the source, it is an esoteric tourism can bring in a person's life to not just take a break from everyday life and enjoy the beautiful places of the planet but also to look at themselves and their lives from the outside.

Expanding your horizons and introduced into the treasures of ancient cultures, you can awaken your hidden reserves that contribute to resolving many of life issues, expansion of consciousness, prosperity and success, the disclosure of mystical abilities. With the help of ancient knowledge and spiritual practices that are an integral part of most esoteric tour, you get a unique opportunity to discover their inner world, to change the course of their lives and see the reality of his eyes really happy man. The main objective of esoteric tourism is the disclosure of the true purpose and value of human existence, to teach him to be happy not or and .

Places of power, are of particular interest in esoteric journeys are nothing more than conglomerations of a special energy that reaches the surface, and a beneficial effect on the energy, spiritual and physical health. Also, visits to places of power can give people their spiritual and creative energy in a person to disclose the mysteries of ancient knowledge that he can use in their lives for the benefit of themselves and others.

Tourists are willing to pay for a trip to the edge of the world in order to cleanse the soul and body, much less than those who annually roasts sides in Egypt or Turkey. Yet the so-called esoteric tourism in the countries of the CIS is clearly on the rise.

Much love philosophically minded tourists enjoys today Nepal. The Hindu country, untwisted in time "glass-" hippie, attracts primarily those grasps the meaning of life strongly with the teachings of Eastern and psychedelic funds. Even more exciting are looking for may seem esoteric sensations trip to the famous shamans, sorcerers, or the creators of entire esoteric theories. Many schools, for example, Tantrum Yoga, the followers of Osho Rajneesh, Carlos Castaneda and others like them visiting regularly organize conferences, meetings with mentors and magicians, which optionally can take part any - need only to know in advance about the event and book a hotel. In the Altai ethnic festivals are held.

However, some believe that the same result can be achieved and at home, just try tincture of fly-agarics. Not everyone can afford costly flights to India and South America. Yes, and training themselves not be called cheap.

However, there are alternatives. Every year in the mountains of Crimea and the Carpathians are trips and seminars. Recruited group of 10 to 30 people, who oversees 2.3 instructor. Hike seminar has a clear route, as well as some esoteric program consisting of lectures and practices. Such tours are not on the road.

Esoteric tourism - is the choice of people eager to not only enjoy the cultural and religious splendor of unusual corners of the world, but also touch the eternal mysteries of the universe, and with the help of ancient knowledge and wise experience of centuries to follow the path of health, happiness and harmony, to find answers to their innermost questions. One thing is certain: the esoteric tourism - it is not only rest your body and soul, but also an effective means to achieve harmony in their lives.

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