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Sailing Ship Icon Images

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Sailing Ship Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: despised icon immaculate, desktop icons rearrange themselves, narusasu icons, little hand icon, ms messenger icon

- Still is not present, - the Grant has told. - you, apparently, told that this ship

It is specially intended for deep-water researches. That was supposed To do on it under water?

On a surface and to investigate in quiet conditions.

- Well. Means you should have onboard the equipment for

Miniaturizations. You after all have not removed at its last night, isn't that so?

- Certainly, it at us is. But only for miniaturization in the small Scale.

- And what scale is necessary to us? If we pass air through


- We do not have on it time, - has inserted Michelz.

- If time leaves, we will ask, that us have extracted. But before Let's try. I believe, Ouens, at you onboard is present it? .

- Yes, I think that I can take advantage of it.

it, appear, has been absolutely stunned fast and persevering Grant offers.

- We will manage to drag it through a capillary and a lung wall, not Having caused thus harm of Beneshu, whether not so?

- At our sizes I with confidence can tell that it so, - Has declared Djuval.

- Then everything is all right. We will conduct it from a lung to the ship

For air. Whether you can mount such installation?

it some time reflected, and it was visible that it has carried away The offered plan.

- Yes, I think that to a smog, - he has told.

- Then it is good. When Benesh will make a breath, this pressure will be

There is enough to fill up our tanks. Remember that the deformed perception Time will make our delay for some minutes more shortly, than it is in The validity. Anyhow, we should try.

- I agree, - Djuval has told. - We should try. In what that Became. And immediately!

- I thank for support, the doctor, - has told the Grant.

it has nodded, then has added:

- Moreover, if we try to make it, give better not To entrust any work out of a boat with one person. It it is better

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