Horse Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: xdg desktop icon, icon sport com, horse jumping icons, icon in systemtray, icon collage graphics
Why the majority of people choose inactivity? Because
They do not believe in themselves. They do not have desires. They fear to lose. But all
It is deep error. Result of auto-suggestion. Anybody from us
Really does not know, it possesses what possibilities. The main thing,
Take courage and take the first step to the dream.
Further it will be easier, because you already will try
To operate and will understand that you will have enough forces to go forward.
You are afraid, what basic changes to you not on forces? But yours
Dreams can become a reality only through action. You
Have lost trust to itself just because too long sat,
- hands. Inactivity takes away vital force. If
To force the healthy person two months not to get up, at it
Hands and feet will atrophy. The one who does not use a head,
Becomes the invalid of soul.
You were born to operate. To work, work and work!
For this purpose to you have given a head and finitenesses. Remember: from hundred
The darts thrown in the purpose, one for certain will amaze it. That wins,
Who is not afraid of defeat. Leave on game with installation
Of the winner also be not afraid. After all the life is short. In the end we
We recollect everything of that we were frightened in due time. Also we abuse
Itself for the missed possibilities which have used
Other people.
As it is possible, once having suffered defeat, to consider itself
The finished loser? But there are people, which and
Argue. Because the laziness and a divergence they try
To justify different "circumstances". One businessman
Has told: "god does not have hands, except yours". And however was not
Its approach is materialistic, it is right. The future of the person in it
Hands. Even in the most difficult circumstances it is not necessary
To despair!
Laziness - a heavy sin. First of all, in relation to
To itself. Laziness prevents to realise put in the person
Potential. What obstacles would not rise on your way,
Laziness - the most terrible.
"Idleness - school malicious", - told
Old Believers.
Copyright © 2006-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
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