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- I, a life boat 324. My main task...
- Telepathy? - Gregor has taken an interest.
- Direct transfer of thoughts, - Joe has told, proudly smiling. -
Any language barrier. To you it is told that now the such do not build.
- I, a life boat 324, - was heard again. - My main
The problem - to provide safety of crew. I should protect it from
All threats and to support in kind health. Now I
It is made active only partially.
- Nothing can be more safe! - Joe has exclaimed. Is not
Callous piece of iron. The boat will look after you. She cares of the
To the command.
It has made impression upon Gregor, though idea of a feeling boat
Sickened to it, and it moods of the car always irritated him.
- We take away it, - Arnold has blurted out. He did not test the similar
- Also will not regret, - has picked up Joe in usual opened and fair
To manner which has already brought to it many millions dollars.
Gregor needed to hope only that this time Joe will appear the rights.
Next day the life boat has been shipped aboard
Starprobe vehicle, and friends started in a direction to Trajdentu.
This planet located in the heart of East Avenue of Stars, was
It is recently bought by the dealer the real estate. In its opinion, it was almost
Ideal place for colonisation. It was in the size almost about Mars, but
Possessed the best climate. Besides, there was not smart
Natives to whom it should to battle, poisonous plants,
Infectious illnesses. Unlike many other worlds, on Trajdente not
Wild animals were found. At all animals there were not found. All planet, for
Exception of one small island and polar cap, has been covered
Certainly, there there was no lack and in repeat: a water level in several
The seas Trajdenta was only to knees. All trouble was that a land
Did not act from water, and company "AAA-POPS" has been invited specially
To eliminate this small error of the nature.
After landing of a starprobe vehicle to unique island of a planet the boat
Have floated. All rest of day has been devoted check and loading
Research equipment. The dawn hardly began to dawn, Gregor has prepared
Sandwiches also has filled the canister with water. All was ready to start job.
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