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Tags: love u icon, xp no desktop icons, biffi icon f02, icons rb4105 wayfarer, mini animated icons
- Director Tanajama adhered to such opinion also. However flight with hyperassistance should last more than two years. It is not excluded that owing to incident, a scientific error or psychological problems they and have not reached the Near star. Then they too would not return to Solar system.
- Nevertheless probability of that they have reached the purpose, is rather great, - easy defended the point of view Koropatsky.
- And nevertheless remember that at you only three years. The greatest - three years.
It has been told by very friendly tone, but in words it was necessary to feel the order.
- So, my smart plan was not necessary, - Krajl Fisher with a regret note in a voice has told.
- It was not necessary. They intend to continue works irrespective of, whether there is a danger that we will be caught up with settlements, or not. They are disturbed by one - the proof of authenticity of flight. By the way, Tanajamu never excited it. It seems to me, Tanajama wished to destroy only the Rotor and after that all world could shout as much as necessary about swindle - to it it would be indifferent.
- You are mistaken, nobody would began to shout about swindle. By order of Tanajamy the ship would deliver to the Earth something such that could serve as a material evidence of destruction of the Rotor, so, edification for settlements and for all world. What for the person the new director?
- Direct opposite of Tanajame. He says very softly, almost apologising tone, but at me such sensation that for the World congress it will be the same firm nutlet what was Tanajama. For this purpose it needs to enter into a rate of all affairs only.
- From this that you to me have told, it is possible to draw a conclusion that Koropatsky more sane person, than Tanajama.
- Yes, but its assumption of falsification of space flights...
I cannot come to the senses till now. How in general it is possible to guess the such? Possibly, it is result of absence at earth dwellers of a space sense. A total absence. Before earth dwellers infinitely big world lies, and they, behind the rare exceptions, are afraid to leave the planet.
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