Steering-Wheel Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: baseball icons, common web icons, girlie icons for, missing vgui material vgui resource icon_newfolder, transformers icons
In March, 2000 millions workers in America have found out that they do not have possibility to supervise how money flows away from their pension plans it from a source as which them have accustomed to consider as actives. It is one of the most serious lacks of new pension plans of category DC. The worker puts up money, hoping that they will grow. But instead finds out that after its money has been enclosed in the action, bonds or mutual fund, it still has at all many possibilities of the control over the monetary stream. Once again I will repeat:
itOne of the most important vital skills who is required to be developed, is to learn to supervise your monetary stream. The majority of financial problems is called by a lack of the personal control over a monetary streamit. It is one of the most important lessons which I have learnt the nine-year boy. With the years I needed to strengthen more and more the control over the monetary stream. We with Kim could leave on rest early because supervised, in what direction our money flew. When the share market went upwards, we gained money because supervised the monetary stream. When in the market there was a collapse, we did even more money because the control over our monetary stream was in our hands. We, unlike the majority of people, after crash in March, 2000 were not idle and did not look, how our money stays idle.
Though I have told to that banker that my book itthe Rich daddy, the poor daddyit about book keeping and ability to keep account, nevertheless I consider the last as more important. After scandal with itEnronit it would be desirable to ask a question: itAs workers can operate the life if them never learnt to operate the money and they did not have a control possibility over where their savings on an old age flow?it Millions, I repeat, millions people worldwide are in deadly financial danger simply because never studied accounting, are not able to keep account and almost have no control over a monetary stream on the pension abacus and consequently, almost or at all have no control over the life in an old age.
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Icon Usage Agreement
Business Icon Set is a library of fine-looking ready-made icons for use in programs and on websites. They are provided in a variety of formats, sizes and color schemes.

develop chess games and Web pages faster with Standard Chess Icons! All white and black figures are available as 2D and 3D icons, the graphics for chess board and timer are also there.

Developing applications for hotel industry is quite a challenge, and rarely there is time to think about GUI for your project. With Standard Hotel Icons you will instantly get all the graphics you need at a reasonable price.
Free Business Desktop Icons is a pack of 10 ready icons to be used in commercial and personal products, including software, websites, blogs, and presentations. The graphics are free for personal, frequent and commercial use.

Plenty of military-style icons from our Military Icon Set will make your application's interface appear more modern and attractive. The graphics are delivered in ICO, GIF, BMP and PNG file formats.