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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: net icons, icon effects, girly online icons, im so hood icons, you make icons for iconator

Again the exchange of phrases has followed, and at last Pilorat has turned.

- Everything that I have achieved from them, Golan, it that in the sky is not present any


- Ask them, how many it of years, - has offered Bliss. - Is not present, better,

As for a long time they function.

- I do not know how to tell "function", - Pilorat has told, swinging

Head. - to tell the truth, I am not assured that years "can tell" how many. I

Not too good translator.

- Saws, road, give, as you can, - Bliss has told.

After several exchanges of phrases, Pilorat has informed:

- They function twenty six years.

- Twenty six years, - with disgust Treviz has muttered. - They it is ready

Bliss is more senior you.

With sudden pride of Bliss has declared:

- So it was received...

- I know. You are a Gay, and to you thousand years... In any case these robots not

Can speak about the Earth on a private experience, and their banks of memory it is obvious not

Contain anything, except the data necessary for functioning. To To example, they know nothing about astronomy.

- But on this planet, probably, there are also other robots, - has told - . - that remained from the very beginning.

- I doubt, - has said Treviz, - but ask them, Janov if will find Words for this purpose.

This time long enough conversation has followed and, having finished it,

- has turned with the flaring person and obviously dissatisfied.

- it, - he has told, - I have not understood a part of that they tried To tell, but has caught that ancient robots are used for physical work

Also do not know anything. If this robot was the person, I would tell that it

Speaks about ancient robots with contempt. These three - house robots, on them

To words, and it do not allow to grow old hardly before to replace. They - Unique who really something knows. It their words, instead of mine.

- They know the little, - has muttered Treviz. - And it not that we want

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