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Tags: hyperterminal icons, white x icon, new home icons, icons turned white, irfan view icon
- Your conclusion: so, for maintenance of trouble-free work of restaurant it is necessary to use various services of the extraneous companies. Thus, small businessmen and the people of liberal professions possessing qualification in various areas, have an opportunity to work on "McDonalds" and to help it to provide a necessary degree of service.
- You never noticed, what all "McDonalds" is similar against each other? The meal in them is always identical. Workers, the truth, different, but all tell one and too. Ketchup too always same. The reason of such monotony that "McDonalds" has developed uniform system of so-called "standards" for the enterprises. Each restaurant if he wishes to carry the name "McDonalds", is obliged to follow once and for all established rules and instructions. All complex corrected also instructions is defined by special standards. They completely regulate all stages of production. Standard instructions define even an order of refuelling and a sink of mixers for beating of cocktails or deep fryers for preparation of a fried potato.
- Control question: What else standards to you managed to be noticed?
- Your conclusion: Only thanks to standards which operate in it and at all other restaurants "McDonalds" worldwide to get these enterprises exclusively favourably. How you think, it would be quite good to get the driver's licence to these standards or to create something something like that for your own business that it could be same successful?
- And how you think, why I words have not told what here is not visible the owner of this "McDonalds"? The owner employs the managing director. The managing director is responsible for daily job of restaurant. The managing director employs and dismisses workers, is responsible for timely delivery of products and the equipment, watches, that all visitors remained are happy and that all went, like clockwork. The managing director contacts the owner only to inform how there are affairs. It can do it once a week by phone or once a month at meetings (which are spent at office or at home at the owner). These calls or meetings are necessary to the owner that the nobility, how much money this restaurant has brought. "McDonalds" is article of actives which belongs to the owner. It posesses the rights to standards thanks to which the restaurant works. At present the owner can be anywhere, for example, to play a golf.
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