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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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- Thanks. And Kurnou and Chandra?

- I have already disposed, they will be accepted by others. Do not think that to you concern as the consignment.

- Useless in a way.

- Has not understood.

- So in good old days named luggage on sea-crafts.

it has smiled.

- The advantage will be on finish. We already prepare for a holiday of your revival.

- Sounds it is too religious. We name it better "an awakening holiday"... But more you I will not distract. I will throw things and I treat further.

- Max will show all. If you please, take away doctor Flojda to Vasily - it below, at engines.

Coming up from a cabin, Flojd has mentally praised those who selected crew. It looked terribly even on a photo, and in a life, despite all appeal... Interestingly, what it in anger - fire or ice? It is better not to know it, he has thought.

it had fast; when they have found Vasily Orlova, it already moved almost so confidently, as well as its guide. The supervisor of studies of expedition has learnt it at once.

- Welcome, Flojd. How state of health?

- Perfectly. Only I die of hunger.

Second of Eagles looked puzzled, then his face has blurred in a smile.

- Has absolutely forgotten. Well, it for a short while. In a year it.

Before anabiosis week of a diet, and the last days Flojd relied did not eat anything. Plus champagne, moreover weightlessness... The Head was slightly turned. To distract, it has looked round a motley texture of pipes.

- It also is the well-known engine Saharova? For the first time I see it in nature.

- Them in the world only four.

- I hope, works?

- Is better to it to work. Otherwise the Gorki City Council again will rename the area of Saharova.

Comparison was quite lawful: in Bitter have appeared not only new ideas about essence of a matter and the Universe, but also the concept of management of the plasma, allowed to take possession subsequently of thermonuclear reaction. The engine was only a by-product of this intellectual break. Tragedy that it has appeared as a result of injustice; sometime, probably, the mankind will find other, more humane ways. In a short space of time Flojd has heard about engine Saharova much more, than wished to know or could remember. An action principle as easy as shelling pears: the pulsing thermonuclear reactor heats up, evaporates and disperses almost any working liquid. The best results are given by hydrogen, but it takes a lot of place, and it is difficult for storing. It is possible to use methane or ammonia and even usual water. However, draught thus decreases.

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