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Tags: address bar icon, girlie aim icons, cute is what we aim for buddy icons, xp small icons, jacob black icons

The savings of money in bank can seem to much reasonable, but for me it simply loss of time and money. The reason on which I have begun with a subject of savings, only that the majority of representatives of middle class is considered by savings as a reasonable variant of the reference with money, and for the given class of people it is valid so. But for the rich person the savings are a financial brake. Therefore before we will start building of a rich ark, I wish to make some the important remarks.

The remark it 1. If you plan to construct an ark, worthy the rich person, the savings of money is not meaningful. Why? The answer that the income of savings is taxed, as the usual income, it on highest of existing tax rates. For example, if at you on the bill one million dollars which brings to you of 20 thousand dollars in the form of two percentage taxable incomes lies, and at job you earn in a year of more 65 thousand dollars as the person who is not married, or 110 thousand dollars as a married couple from these 20 thousand it is necessary to give on taxes approximately 30 percent and as a result your real income from one million dollars will make approximately 14 thousand, that is 1,4 real percent without inflation. If you earn even more and get under the tax rate to 40 percent these two percent of the income are reduced to 1,2 percent of the real interest rate. It is necessary to assume that inflation will exceed 1,2 percent our rich holder of savings it appears in loss. An essence of this remark that if you are poor and pay taxes under the low rate your percent from the contribution too are assessed under the low rate. But if you are rich, the same income will be taxed under higher rate. To put it briefly, the more at the rich person of money on the savings contribution, the more it loses.

The remark it 2. If you plan to construct an ark, worthy the rich person, and you have a traditional pension plan of category DC, for example 401 (k) and in this case when you will start to withdraw money from your pension plan DC, this income will be taxed under the highest rates. I will remind once again that for today the tax rate on the persons not married and earning more of 65 thousand of dollars year, makes 30 percent. Therefore each one thousand received by you in a type of income from the plan 401 (k) after leaving on pension, will be reduced to 700 dollars after a deduction of taxes. As a result participation in 401 (k) or in the majority of other traditional pension plans has no tax sense for the person who is going to to retire the rich.

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