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To year "the Viennese circle". Happens so that three years, with 1918 on 1921, I studied in
University of my native Vienna, and at this time ideas of the Move were in the centre
To perception of the philosophy focused on natural sciences; besides Gejnriha
Adolf Stor Adolf Stohr (1855 - 1921) - it. It. - which ideas went in
The same direction, and also Robert Rejninger Robert Reininger (1869 - 1955) -
- . It. which at least sympathised with such interpretation
Philosophies. I any more do not remember precisely how I have come across on the Move almost at once
After returning from front in November, 1918; unfortunately, I have begun records about
Read only from spring of 1919, here again soon there is a record:
"Now as well Erkenntnis und Irrtum" Erkenntnis und Irrtum:
Skizzen zur Psychologie der Forschung (Leipzig: J.A. Barth, Ernst Mach, 1905) - it.
- ., - that testifies that for 4 months after the beginning of employment I
Has already got acquainted with other philosophical works of the Move. I know that I was hardly
It is seized by Move works - Popular-wissenschaftliche Vorlesungen, Die Mechanik
in Ihrer Entwicklung, and in particular it Analyse der Empfindungen Popular-wissenschaftliche Vorlesungen (Leipzig: Barth, 1896), 1883); Die Analyse der
Empfindungen und das Verhaltnis des Physischen zum Psychischen (Jena: Gustav
Fischer) - it. It., 1985); Die Mechanik
in ihrer Entwicklung (Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, Ernst
Mach, it is published in
The USA as Popular Scientific Lectures (Chicago: Open Court. As a result of it those three years, when I officially
Was the student of faculty of the right, I divided the time almost fifty-fifty between
To economic theory and philosophy, and the right attended only in intervals.
Move. Perhaps, something similar took place already and before war. In this plan
It is indicative that Shumpeter was under visible effect of ideas of the Move, when it in
To 1908 wrote the first book [work of Shumpetera Das Wesen means
und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalokonomie (Duncker AND Humblot,
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