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Tags: make reflective icons, i love my little sister icons, flyakite icon, create xp icon, icons pencil gif

Game with the truth

Ethical problems together with original ways of their decision meet often to us and in popular culture. We take, for example, a scene from a musical «the Violinist on a roof».

Its hero Teve who as it seems to us, was intuitive it in the sensorno-rational world Jewish it, has appeared in a tickler. Having promised the daughter in the wife to butcher Lazarju Volf, he finds out that actually she likes another. Its duty to fulfil made Lazarju the promise runs counter to its sense of responsibility for happiness of the daughter.

Aspiring to be released from the promise not to burden the conscience, Teve pretends to be that saw «a prophetic dream» in which to it the late wife Lazarja Volf comes and begs Teve not to give his daughter for its widowed husband. "Having woken up", Teve has informed on this "dream" to the wife which answer was foreseen by itself: «Wedding needs to be cancelled».

Now., having secured with blessing of the wife, Teve feels has the right to inform Lazarju that the marriage obligation is not valid.

Being exemplary intuitive it, Teve has followed the tastes of the love to the daughter, having allowed it to connect a life with the person whom she really liked. It has made it, without having broken any rules and without changing the word as the wife has relieved from its responsibility under the given obligation. For Teve this small deviation from ethical standards looked quite ethic.


As the situation with ethics became complicated, all became clearer only one: the uniform point of view on ethics does not exist.

Absence of unanimity in ethical approaches extends and on the whole companies. Ethical aspects of their activity it is separated as, it is how much separated they at the individuals operating these companies. For example, the organisation where dominating type is ISTJ, will take in ethical questions of an opposite position in comparison with the company where type ENFP prevails. Moreover, any company is identified with high ethical level peculiar to it, or with a doubtful ethical position, or with ethics total absence. We name the various companies conservative or liberal, reactionary or progressive, young or old, but all is inexact shortcuts only pasted quickly, each of which characterises the certain ethical environment.

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