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I assume that at that time in its mind already there was an idea of the second magnum

opus as its major chapter has appeared after two years in the form of the well-known

Articles about problems of economic calculations in socialist company. In that

Time professor Mizes has already returned on the post of the legal adviser and financial

The expert in the Viennese chamber of commerce. Chambers of commerce, it is necessary to remember, are

The official establishments which main task to be the adviser The governments in legislation questions. Simultaneously professor Mizes was

The head of the special establishment realisation in a life of some was which problem

Items of the agreement on the world. I have got acquainted with it in this role. Certainly, in

University I was in its class. Hayek means that it was the student The Viennese university when Mizes gave there lectures as the no-charge

privatdozent; besides, he participated in a private seminar of Mizesa. In practice

Hayek was direct pupil Fridriha a background of Vizera heading Economic theory chair in Vienna. - it. It. but in the justification I Should notice that I broke through the post-war truncated rate of the right

Also spent not all spare time for economy that is why has not extracted from this

Situations of all possible benefits. But then happens so that on my to the first

To work I have appeared subordinate of professor Mizesa in this time establishment;

Here I have got acquainted with it as, first of all, with extremely effective

The manager, as with the person similar to John Stewart Millju, which Consulted with the work for two hours that is why at it always was pure

The table and is a lot of time to talk about everything. I have learnt it as one

From the most informed and formed people whom I ever met, and For inflation times that it unique is valid was especially important

Understood that occurs. There was a moment when all of us expected that it just about

Will call to head Treasury. It was obviously that only thing The person who was capable to stop inflation and if it have nominated

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