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Other errors
Before to finish the head about assumptions, I consider necessary to consider some of already mentioned errors, and also some of errors which I have not named yet and which are called by the assumptions which have been not put while under doubt. Here some of the most obvious errors noticed by the rich daddy:
1. The law provides the obligatory mechanism of withdrawal of means. This error will lead to serious problems approximately in 2016. By estimations of scientists, by this time the number of 70-year-old people in America will make 2 282 887 persons. In 2017 their quantity will jump up to 2 928 818 as then by the first of bebi-bumerov 70 years will start to be executed. It is a jump almost on 700 thousand in comparison with previous year, and since the given moment growth will proceed. For one year the number of pensioners will grow almost for 30 percent. I think, these figures give full representation about the influence, which generation bebi-bumerov will render on pension plans of category DC and the share market. As I already spoke, it will be difficult to market to grow, if the law demands from people to sell what they own. Such process can be compared to attempt to fill a bath in which appears more and more holes. Very soon people will not want to fill such bath.
Why withdrawal of means necessarily? The reason consists in taxes. It seems that when passed this law, Fiscal administration wished to know, when it will pay. As money in respect of category DC is brought without taxes and grows without taxes the question was put so: when the government will receive the share when money will be imposed by the tax? Therefore the government has answered: in seventy and a half years.
2. The law has not forced an education system to organise necessary financial training. High financial IQ it is obligatory for everyone who seriously concerns investment. Having passed of law ERISA, the state and has not started introduction at schools of training of financial literacy, and financial literacy is a basis financial IQ the person. The majority of people consider investment risky only because them never learnt to understand financial affairs. As the rich daddy spoke, iteverything, even transition through street if anybody never learnt you to do itit can be the risky.
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