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Tags: photographic folder icons, icons rain, emo lj icons, final fantasy 7 icons, icon dissapears after

- Forgive, Hejvud, - has hasty apologised Tanja. - Ten minutes ago we have received very important message. "it" has become silent. Suddenly, in a transmission time of the digital information. Some seconds signals went with distortions, have then ceased.

- And a beacon?

- Too is silent.

- Also what you assume?

- Anything you like. Explosion, earthquake, a landslip... We will pass from them in fifty thousand kilometres, not more close. From such distance you will see nothing.

- Means, we are powerless?

- Not absolutely. The Earth suggests to use our main aerial - to aim it to Europe. Then even the weakest signal... In my opinion, it is necessary to try. How you consider?

it has felt the internal protest.

- You wish to interrupt communication with the Earth?

- Yes. But it will all the same be infringed, when we will bend around Jupiter.

To reestablish communication it is possible for pair minutes.

it was silent. All troubles of "Diskaveri" have begun, when the main aerial was displaced also the ship has lost touch with the Earth... Something, obviously, has occurred with it. But on "Leonov" it is not necessary to be afraid of it. Local computers are independent, they are not subject to uniform reason. At least, to reason inhuman...

- It agree, - Flojd has told. - It is possible to begin search.

- Two minutes, also it is possible to include. We will listen how many?

The captain has answered not at once. In general Flojda admired resoluteness of Tani Orlovoj; once he has told to it about it. She has answered with a joke (that happened not often): "the Captain has the right to an error, but not on fluctuations".

- Fifty minutes, then ten-minute communication with the Earth. And a new cycle.

But, as it was soon found out, there was nothing to listen. Also there is no need: the system of automatic search sifted noise much better the most skilled operator. However from time to time Sasha included a sound, and the premise was filled in with a roar of radiating belts of Jupiter. He resembled a surf roar; sometimes it was blocked by deafening blows of lightnings. But anything similar to a reasonable signal was not; free cosmonauts from watch one of other left cabin.

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Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons depict a number of weather conditions that are common for software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images are supplied in typical sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile devices. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel images with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

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