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As we already marked, representatives of certain types are inclined to rise to the higher posts in the majority of the companies. On advantage of productivity and to profits there are such qualities as objectivity, punctuality and responsibility, and possessing them logiko-rational (TJ) types naturally move ahead upward while the above you will rise, the less often to you there will be all other types. In spite of the fact that representatives of any of sixteen types can rise (and rise) to administrative posts, those from them which do not possess logic and rational preference, occupy them as an exception, instead of as a rule. We needed to collect ten years the typological data about the senior heads before we have found in these circles of representatives of all sixteen types whereas more than ninety percent of heads of the top echelon belong to logiko-rational types.
Proceeding from the aforesaid, we can predict three aspects of typological shape of the higher echelons of power in the organisations:
- While management functions are concentrated mainly in hands of logicians-ratsionalov, women in these circles there will be a minority for purely statistical reasons: it is less than easier women-logicians, than men.
- The majority of the women reaching of the higher supervising posts, typologically will not differ from men-heads: most likely, they will concern logiko-rational types.
- Those rare representatives of etiko-irrational types who manage to reach high supervising posts, as a rule, are obliged to these two circumstances: or they simply wish to prove to themselves, what is it to them on forces, or them moves missionary eagerness on change of all organisation. Similar it is possible etikam-irratsionalam not because the system with such readiness ennobles them, that is why that they are capable to imitate logicians-ratsionalam. While as heads idealists can really influence the system, their programs fall often under a unique stroke of a feather, it is necessary to them to leave a post only.
Hence, a typological variety in supervising circles of any organisation — the phenomenon fleeting and finally makes only insignificant impact on efficiency of its activity.
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