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Tags: george weasley icons, windows icon themes, cultural icon, fashion icons livejournal, icon timax 2 nylon

Has slipped in its palm, and after a while all the same it was possible to it

To doze off.

* * *

She has woken up, as from a sudden push, and has hardly constrained hardly was

The shout which has not broken from her lips of horror. The boy took a broad view of it in an emphasis

The opened eyes, and it needed a lot of time, that

To recollect, how it has come to be on its bed. Slowly, without tearing off from it

Sight, it has lowered on a floor at first one, then other foot.

Having thrown a fast fearful glance towards the deprived cover of a ceiling,

It has strained muscles for last resolute movement, gathering Definitively to get out of a bed.

But during this moment the boy, having extended a hand, has concerned her lips similar

On stumps fingers and something has said.

This touch has forced it to recoil. At day illumination it was It is inexpressibly ugly.

The boy has again repeated any phrase, and then, having opened widely a mouth,

Hand movement tried to show, as if something follows at it from a mouth.

Ms. Fellouz has mused, trying to guess significance of this gesture, and suddenly

Has with emotion exclaimed:

- You want, that I sang?

The boy silently continued to look at her lips.

A little being false from pressure, Ms. Fellouz has begun that song,

That sang to it the day before at night, and the small ugly creature has smiled, clumsily

Being shaken in time to music and publishing thus any gurgling sound, Which could be interpreted as laughter,

Ms. Fellouz has imperceptibly sighed. Yes, correctly say that music Pacifies heart of the savage. It can help...

- Wait it is a little, - she has told, - allow to me to make toilet, it Will take no more minute. And then I will make to you a breakfast.

For a second without forgetting about absence of a ceiling, it has fast finished with

The affairs. The boy remained in bed, attentively observing of it,

When it appeared in the field its sight. And each time during these moments it

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