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 Space Icons

Shuttle Icon Images

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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: 50's icons, windows icon tray, no show desktop icon, best mate icons, crystal clear icons

Mountains which at shuttle descent seemed such high, now have enigmatically disappeared from a kind - thanks to the big curvature of a lunar surface they have disappeared behind horizon. Round the ship the flat grey plain brightly shined with slanting beams of the Earth was spread. The sky, of course, was absolutely black, but, without having covered an eye from shine of a lunar surface, on it it was possible to make out nothing, except the brightest stars and planets.

- Perfectly, - Flojd has answered. - As well as possible. The crew was very careful. While the conveyor carried them to base, they have exchanged several nothing meaning kind phrases. On a silent arrangement nobody mentioned the purpose of visit of Flojda. Having passed metres three hundred, the car has driven to the big board on which it has been traced:


The ENGINEERING-SPACE CASE of the USA, 1994 Having passed a board, they have gone deep into dredging and have gone on the underground tunnel. Massive gate have revealed, have let in the conveyor and again were closed. Then - the second gate and, at last, the third. When the last gate were shut, the roar of rushing air was heard, and passengers of the conveyor have appeared in house, safe atmosphere of base. They have gone further on the tunnel, walls and which arch was covered entirely with cables and pipes, listening to reaching whence to a booming rhythmical roar and sighs of mechanisms. Soon they have appeared in an administrative centre. It again has come to be in an environment of typewriters habitual for it, office calculating machines, secretaries, wall diagrammes and continuously calling phones. When the group has stayed at a door with the plate "Manager", Helvorsen has diplomatically told:

- Doctor Flojd and I in some minutes we will come to a conference hall.

- The daddy! You were above, and me have not taken! You promised!

- Cease, Diana! - it is tender, but not without disappointment Helvorsen has answered. - I only have told that I will take you if I will manage. But I have been very taken, met doctor Flojda. Greet it, it has arrived from the Earth. The girl - Flojd has decided that it does not have eight, - has stretched it a weak hand. Its person seemed to Flojdu to acquaintances; he has caught an eye of Helvorsena - that looked at it somehow strange, expectantly grinning. It suddenly all has recollected in has understood, in what has given.

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Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons represent different weather conditions typical in software, weather portals, and mobile gadgets. The images arprovided in typical sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile devices. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest resolution.

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