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Tags: stewie icons, check yes juliet icons, jungledisk icon, m120 icon, lil wayne aim icon

Serial number, - you! To take it, to take this thing! - its voice has towered

Before squeal when he indicated Bigmena. - Destroy it! Break it! Break it on components!

- it! You have gone mad! The robot cannot make what you demand, - Jong has shouted.

The robot continued to stand. It did not move.

And then Devur has told:

- You cannot harm the human being, the robot. I not Asked you about it. But it - not the human being.

The robot has turned to look at Bigmena.

- He does not wish to trust it. You can consider me not as the person, but

The robot knows better, - has cried in the answer of Bigmen.

- The robot, look at it, - drew Devur. - He speaks, and at it Human figure, but you act as, and you are not the person. I can prove you that it not the person. Ever you saw, that The person to the utmost was such small? It proves that it not The person. This animal, and it has done me harm. You should destroy it.

- Escape under the wing at the mammy-robot, - Bigmen has shouted with Sneer.

But the robot has taken the first step to it.

it has stepped and became between the robot and Bigmenom.

- I do not presume it, Devur. The robot should not do it, Because there is no other occasion, except as pressure of potential, Inducing it to destruction.

But Devur has hoarsely whispered:

- I am your chief. If you make something to stop Me, tomorrow I will throw out you from Service.

The habit to obey was strong. It has receded, but on his face There was an expression of deep suffering and horror.

The robot has moved more fast, and now Bigmen has made a rash step back.

- I the human being, - have told it.

- It not the person! - Devur has wildly cried. Is not the person. Break On pieces this thing. Slowly...

The fever has run on Bigmenu, and in a mouth at it has dried up. On it it not

Expected. Fast death, yes, but such...

There was no place to recede, and without a needle pistol to it not to escape.

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