Neptune Icon
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Tags: icons gargantuan blue, shambolic icons, sound icon disapeared, italian online now icons, smile icon
- Or anywhere, - the Grant has firmly told. - we could deal with a number
Contingencies and failures.
- Could, - Michelz has agreed.
Any of them did not speak, however, very convincingly or with conviction.
14. A lymphatic vessel
- Doctor Michelz, look forward, - the voice was distributed from a dome
- . - Here to turn off?
They have felt that "Proterus" has reduced speed.
- It is too much chatter, - has murmured Michelz. - I should
To look.
Directly the pipe opened from an end face ahead was seen. Forming it
The aperture on width hardly could pass "Proterus".
- There is quite enough! - Michelz has shouted. - Enter into it.
The bark has departed from a workbench to be curious that is done
Ahead, but Djuval remained on the place, continuing to work with
Infinite tireless patience.
- It, should be, a lymphatic vessel, - she has told.
They have entered inside, and they were surrounded with walls not thicker than walls of a capillary,
Which they have left.
It was clearly visible that, as well as in a capillary, walls have been combined from
Cages of the polygonal form with a nucleus in the centre of each.
The liquid on which they floated, it was very similar to that that
Filled in a pleural cavity. It sparkled yellowness in the light of projectors
"it" also gave a yellowish shade to cages. Nucleuses were more
Rich colour, almost orange.
- Boiled eggs! - the Grant has exclaimed. - they look precisely, as boiled
Eggs! And what such a lymphatic vessel?
- It somewhat auxiliary blood system, - with
Heat the Bark has started to explain. - the liquid filters through the thin
Capillaries also gathers in emptiness of a body and between cages. It is intermediate
Liquid. It joins thin tubes of the lymphatic vessels opened with
One end as you just saw. These pipes gradually incorporate
In the increasing and big pipes, do not merge yet in the greatest,
In size with a vein. All lymph...
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