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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: create shortcut icons, icon banner, create your icon, desktop icons pack, jessica stam icon

Ways to outside edge of a ring there was the black interval known as

Division of Kassini. It was in the width about fifteen minutes, a dense strip

The blacknesses, dividing rings on two light parts of unequal width. In

To internal edge of rings - a flickering scattering of sparkling sparkles, so

Named mourning border.

The total area of rings in eight times exceeded the area of a sphere of Saturn.

Moreover, rings were obviously more brightly, than Saturn, so that as a whole, on

To the extreme measure, ninety percent of light reaching to them from a planet, went

From its rings. The quantity of light reaching them, was approximately a hundred times

Big, than from the complete Moon.

Even Jupiter what it sees with so amazing close Io,

It was impossible to compare to it. When Bigmen eventually has started talking, from it

Lips whisper has broken only:

- it how it is received, what rings such bright? Saturn looks Dimly. It not optical illusion?

- No, it is a reality. Saturn and rings receive the identical from the Sun

Quantity of light, but reflect not so identical. That we see Proceeding from Saturn, it is light reflected from atmosphere, consisting in

The core from hydrogen and helium plus is a little methane. It reflects nearby

Sixty three percent of light falling on it. Rings, basically Firm blocks of ice, send back at least eighty percent, That does their much brighter. To look at rings - all the same that To look at snow.

- And we need to find one snowflake on a snow field, - Vess has complained.

- But a black snowflake, - Bigmen has with emotion spoken. - Listen, - if all particles of a ring - ice, and we search for a capsule, which Represents metal...

- The polished aluminium, - has specified Lakki, - will reflect even more

Light, than ice. It will be simply blinding.

- Well, then, - Bigmen in despair has looked at the rings which were in Half-million of miles from here, but all so huge even on such distance, - This business hopeless.

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Database Icon Set Database Icon Set brings you lots of bright and colorful icons for database application development. The images are available in all the typical icon sizes and file formats include ICO, GIF, BMP and PNG.

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