Astronauts Icon
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- The signal of terrestrial radio fast dies away, - has informed it. - We enter the first zone of diffraction.
Despite youngish age. A pool and Boumen were already skilled astronauts - behind shoulders at each was not less ten space flights, - but on this expedition they felt beginners. They tried to make such that was not known yet by history: never before the spaceship flied on such speeds and did not dare to come nearer to so powerful gravitational field. During these decisive instants was the slightest navigating error enough - and "Diskaveri" would dash away to the remote limits of Solar system without any hope of rescue.
Slowly minutes crept. Jupiter rose now over them the shone wall leaving in infinity, and their ship clambered upwards, in parallel this shining surface. And though they knew that huge speed of the ship not in forces to overcome even gravitation of Jupiter, to all of them was not believed yet that "Diskaveri" did not become the companion of this monstrous world.
At last, far ahead, behind planet edge, the glow began to dawn. They left a shade of Jupiter under Sun beams. And almost immediately it declared:
- Communication with the Earth is restored. Is glad to inform also that manoeuvre with use of revolting force is successfully finished. To Saturn to us remains hundred sixty seven days five hours eleven minutes of flight. These figures to within a minute coincided with predesigns; flight on a tangent by Jupiter has been executed with faultless accuracy. As if the sphere was reflected in a certain space billiards, "Diskaveri" from a moving gravitational field of Jupiter and has acquired from this collision new energy. Without having spent any gramme of fuel, it has increased speed almost on ten thousand kilometres per hour. But in it there was no infringement of laws of mechanics. The nature is always exact in the accounts department, and Jupiter has lost exactly same quantity of movement what was acquired by "Diskaveri". The planet was braked, but its weight in it time exceeded weight of the ship and consequently change of its speed was so insignificant that any devices catches it could not. That time when the Person will manage to influence mechanics of bodies of Solar system has not come yet.
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