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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 64x64, 48x48, 40x40, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
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Tags: iceberg image, flash cs3 image, dicom image format, bmw x6 image, beanstalk images

Expressed, only brains to you littered. And other all dust is time To throw out! x x x

We now talked about a syndrome of the father, and she has asked, whether the father wanted,

That Turks were punished that with Armenians have made.

- When to me of years eight was, I have asked to the father the same question, thought, to live

It will be more interesting, if all time to aspire to revenge.

Business was in a workshop, the father has postponed tools and has stared in a window, -

I tell to it, - I too have looked out. Also has seen, it is remembered, several Indians

Tribe it. Miles in five there was their reservation, and visitors me, happened,

Too accepted for it. It was pleasant to me. I then thought, the Indian is exact

It is better to be, than the Armenian.

And the father has kept silent and speaks: "I want only that Turks recognised that

Now, when we there are not present, their country became still it and is more sad ".

x x x

Today after lunch I as it is necessary to the owner, have gone to detour of the

Possession also has happened upon the neighbour the border with which passes foots in

Twenty to the north of a potato barn. He is John Karpinski. It local The native. Continues to grow up a potato as his father though grew up Each acre occupied with its potato field, costs now about eight-ten

Thousand dolla - a ditch because here it is possible to construct houses, where from the second

Floor the ocean will be visible. Three generations of Karpinski have grown and worked on this

To the earth, and as the Armenian would tell, it for them is sacred, as a valley at bottom


it - the large man, goes almost always in overalls, and all

Call its Big John. It too the veteran of war as we with the Floor, but it is younger

Also was on other war. Its war - Korean.

And then its unique son, Small John, has been killed by a mine on To the Vietnamese war.

To everyone the war. x x x

My potato barn with adjoining six acres belonged before To Big John's father who has sold to its dead Edit and its first husband.

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