Writing Pencil Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: bosch icon wiperblades, arrange icons on desktop, barney dinosaur icon, windows icon editor, 16x16 icon set
The answer: "Negotiations!!!??? And how printing house, a premise and the grandmother?"
Question: "If you receive (I so I name) basic interest of bank after
The first negotiations, you will find possibility to learn the printing house quotation?
If you receive (suddenly) any advance payment from bank, you will find a way to rent
If the bank tells it, you will find dreadful disease it (From Job Was ill) to take
The sick-list to go to Saratov, and for two weeks to make the core?
The answer: "Well it is final. I that, bald that-whether?" (The Note: the trainer - is bald. The note of the trainer.)
Question: "That in business the main thing?"
The answer: "E-E-E.... To Agree with the doctor????"
(The trainer fights a head about a board, tears on itself a shirt, tries to jump out in a window)
Someone from a hall: "Negotiations with bank!?"
The trainer (calming down, but nervously pulling an eye): "Well, like as yes."
We continue.
Question: "If we have decided, what the main thing - negotiations with bank what it is necessary to make?"
The answer: "to Prepare negotiations."
Question: "As? Name all possible variants."
Answers: "to Buy books on negotiations, to make the text, it the text on the nearby
Banks and already with experience of answers to questions and objections to attack a treasured citadel."
Question: "What is the time on it it is necessary?"
The answer: "Well, month two....?"
The trainer, (starting to stammer): "it. With... With... It, it?"
Someone very clever from a hall (as a rule, it.it something): "Fifteen minutes in
Break to Taganki, book department, Stephen Shiffman, in cash desk and back.
Total forty minutes.
In the evening two hours a maximum, (if all to do in writing) - drawing up of the text of negotiations.
Tomorrow here on training - comments, a proof-reading, corrections.
On Monday, a minimum five banks for fifteen minutes on everyone during the day.
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