Shield Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: cute panda icons, osx server icons, jazz icons dvd, 16x16 icon for, star web icon
Intelligence; eventually, all scientific ideas anyhow proceeded from
- Yes, where it to our Advice! Only also know what to rivet with
Rage of surprisingly perfect robots.
Something it managed to be improved...
- Let's talk better about the future. Means, Sirius with might and main spies, and we
We make a helpless gesture?
- So.
- And under the threat the agrav-project?
- Yes.
- And you, the uncle, want, that I have left to Jupiter-9 and have tried there to
Something to get to the bottom?
it has gloomy nodded:
- Yes, I personally ask you about it. You the virtuoso before whom it is possible
To put problems of any complexity. However, this problem is represented to me
Obviously unsoluble. Advice has tried all and has not achieved anything. Who
The spy? What method of espionage? The slightest submission. That you can
To make you?!
- I will have assistants.
- it? - Konvej for the first time has smiled.
- Not only... Allow to ask you here about what. Whether know on Sirius about
Our works on the V-frog?
- No. Under our data - is not present.
- Perfectly. The V-frog is necessary to me.
- V-frog! One V-frog?
- Yes. One V-frog.
- But what it will give to you? After all a psychogenic field of the V-frog extremely poorly!
You cannot read thought!
- However I can find out availability strong emotions.
- Let so. And?.
- Probably, I will receive what was no by my predecessors. Sudden
The emotional wave can issue the traitor. And then...
- Well?
- And if it furthermore has telepathic abilities, I
I can find out something it, than emotion, - a certain certain thought.
And I will find out earlier, than the criminal will have time to be shielded.
- But after all it too can catch your emotions.
- Only theoretically: I will hear its emotion, almost as
The said word, and it will be deprived such possibility.
Eyes of Konveja have revived.
- Hope it is insignificant small, however hope, I swear the sky! You will receive
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