Rectangular Stamp Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: catbert icon, tiny icon, the icon hotel prague, icons of a computer, shakespeer icon
I remember, how in the childhood the father took us with the brother in an athletic hall to develop and discipline our bodies. But he warned us that irrespective of, how much strong and disciplined we will be, never it is impossible to suppose that we are impregnable. "Never search troubles, — he spoke to us. - First, you, most likely, will find them. Secondly, you can find troubles from someone who is a bit stronger than you".
Sitting in a patio in Southern France, I argued on the same subject. Though I rejoiced to successes — professional and financial — they did not go to any comparison with riches round me. It all the same that you stop on a traffic light in "Mercedes" with a body "sedan", and near to you someone stops on "Rolls-Royce". After that one more car, and it-krokodiloobraznyj a limousine of the stamp "Rolls-Royce" stops. And at last the fourth car — "it" for $500 000 stops. When you think that are at world top, you look around and understand that sit all in several miles from equator.
Even at the very beginning of my activity I never counted another's money. Someone's achievements or awards for success never called in me envy. It only showed to me, that can achieve if to aim.
Everything that I achieved in the life, was given to me by an arduous toil and persistence. Anybody never anything gave to me and did not bring on a saucer. But I do not complain for it of the destiny. More likely, it is an award of Glory which I rejoice. Too often people perceive someone's success as result of good luck or lucky coincidence. They do not know, how much hard it is necessary to work to successful people. For the first time I have understood it when has seen a life of successful people which met, and more more often — about which life I read. The their way to the purpose seemed to easier, the it is more than efforts they spent out of a scene or in previous years. For achievement of the purposes they put time, the capital, energy, resources - everything that is necessary. The majority of people cannot force to be ready to do anything itself it.
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Yellow Web Buttons give a pack of navigation icon images for social networks and custom web sites. The icons are easy on the eye, and provide a uniform theme painted in yellow color. The delicious buttons for delicious sites:)
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