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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
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Tags: icon jacets, icon png file, icon not green, glass icons osx, load icon

"The most favorable possibility from ever opening to the world... Has been missed

Because of passion to the equality, the ruined hope of freedom "it.98.), p. 57. (Rus. The lane the Lord Acton. It. It., it is reprinted in The History of

Freedom, Lord Acton, " The

History of Freedom in Christianity "(1877).

It would be possible to assort still long other distinctions between two traditions

Thoughts which though bear an identical name, are divided fundamentally Opposite principles. But I should not dare deviate far From the primary goal - to track to the sources arisen because of it Mess and to show that there is one consecutive tradition - agree You with me or not that it is "true" individualism, - being On all occasions a unique kind of individualism which I am ready to defend And which, I consider, it is really possible to protect consistently. So

Allow me to return to the conclusion to with what I have begun: the fundamental

The item of true individualism consists in humility before processes, Thanks to which the mankind has reached things which nobody planned and not Understood also which really surpass the power individual reason. At present the major question consists in, whether will be human

It is allowed to reason and to develop further as a part of this process, or it

It is necessary to entangle itself the fetters created by him.

Individualism learns us that the company is something greater, than the person,

Only while it is free. While it is supervised or copes, it It is limited by power supervising it or individual minds operating it. If modern thinking, in the self-confidence not respectful

To what that is not supervised by meaningly individual reason, will not understand

In due course, where it is necessary to stay, we can, as warned Edmund it, "To be absolutely assured that all round us will gradually come in Decline, while at last our affairs and interests not it till our sizes Brains ".

The chapter II. The Economic theory and knowledge

The presidential circulation to the London economic club from November, 10th 1936

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