Locked Telephone Icon
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Tags: icon builders, cryo64 icon, cute dog icon, life desktop icon, icon 3 multiband
An hour Arnold was prevented later from working and has informed:
- To us has carried! It is possible not to worry about the future.
- Also what it for a powder? - Gregor has taken an interest. Perhaps, on
This time good luck indeed has not avoided them?
- It тангриз!
- Тангриз?
- Quite right.
- Whether there will be you so is kind and whether will explain to me, what for it is necessary,
This devil's тангриз?
- I thought, you know. Тангриз is a basic foodstuff
мелджской races. Each adult inhabitant Meldzha consumes some tons
тангриза annually.
- You speak, it eat?
Gregor has looked at a heap of a powder yours faithfully. The car, which
Makes meal twenty four hours a day, it can appear good
Capital investments. Especially, if to consider that its operation by the equal
The bill it costs nothing.
Arnold already thumbed through the telephone directory.
- Hallo, Interstellar Grocery Corporation? I can speak with
The president? What? Then with the vice-president. It is very important. What? Good,
Listen. I can offer your corporation almost unlimited
Quantity тангриза. It is the basic foodstuff on a planet of Meldzh. What?
Yes, all is correct. I knew, what is it you will interest. What? Yes, of course, I
I will wait.
It has turned to Gregor.
- These corporations... Yes, yes, I listen. Yes, the sir. You are engaged
тангризом? Remarkably...
Gregor has approached more close, trying to catch that speak on other
The line end.
- Our price? And what for the prices now in the market? Ah, so... Five dollars
For ton, of course, it is not enough, but I believe... What? Five cents for
Ton? You it is serious?
Gregor has turned away, and has wearily fallen to an armchair. Conversation continuation
It did not interest any more.
- Yes, yes. I understand. Excuse, I did not know.
- It seems that - Arnold has told, having hanged up, - that on the Earth is a lot of
тангриза not to sell. At us here live about fifty мелджан, but
Cargo delivery in northern hemisphere will eat all profit.
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