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Full employment maintenance at existing propensity to consumption it is necessary
To increase net investments by 50 %, so that a volume of output thus
It was lifted with 100 to 115 %, consumption-with 90 to 100 % and net investments - with 10
To 15 % we could try, perhaps, so to change propensity to
To consumption that in the conditions of a full employment consumption has increased with 90 to
103 %, and net investments - with 10 to 12 %.
Other school of economic thinking sees the problem decision
Business cycle not in increase in consumption or investments, and in
Reduction of the offer of work, i.e. In redistribution existing it
Volume without employment or production increase.
Such policy is represented to me premature, and besides in is ready
- degrees, than the plan of increase in consumption. Sometime will come
The moment when each person will compare advantages. Increases in leisure with
Advantage of increase in the income. But now, undoubtedly, I think,
The significant majority of people would prefer increase in the income to increase
Leisure; and I do not see the sufficient bases why followed force
Those who prefers more the high return to be satisfied with the big leisure.
Can seem strange that there is such school of the economic
Thinking which sees the decision of a problem of a business cycle in suspension
Boom in its initial stage by means of increase of norm of percent. The only thing
The justification which can be found for such policy, is put forward it X.
Robertson believing that the full employment is an unattainable ideal and that
The biggest, on what it is possible to hope, so it on an occupation level,
Much more stable, than now, and on the average, probably a little
If to exclude possibility of the big changes in the policy concerning
Establishments of the control either over investments, or over propensity to
To consumption and to assume, generally speaking, that a status quo of affairs
Will proceed, then, perhaps, it is really possible to assert that in
Assumption average will justify in it to a measure if banks are
To stop in a root beginning boom by means of such high norm of percent,
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Large Weather Icons represent different weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images are available in typical sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other systems. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest resolution.
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