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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
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Tags: aimp2 icons, programs icon, webscarab icon, free icons for pc, icon motorbike helmets

Has bored! Who could think that for six months will not be made -Che thing! The equal account. Well all is simple not so on this planet! It The small. It is the closest to the Sun. It is paid to it only by one The party. There, - he has indicated a hand light, - always hot, there such Baked that it lead and boils sulphur! And in that party, - again a wave Hand, already in an opposite direction, - unique in all System

The planetary surface with which the Sun does not shine never and does not heat,

Certainly. Remarkably, what there to speak!

It has stopped for certain to jump six-foot width over a crack,

Trace of ancient cataclysm which could not be tightened without a wind in any way and

Weather changes. The jump was received awkward - a typical jump helpless

The earth dweller, for a minute torn off from the artificial gravitation simulating

The terrestrial.

- , instead of a fussy jump, simply widely to step.

They have promoted on a mile quarter, while Majnds, suddenly Having stayed, has not informed:

- It can be seen from here and right now.

He has sharply thrown out both hands forward that has helped it to avoid falling

On a back. It with Bigmenom after the several short jumpings up extinguishing

Inertia, have stayed as driven.

it has switched off a lantern and a finger has indicated forward, the small white

Speck which was much brighter than all sunlight sent on The Earth.

- We at top of Black-and-white mountain, - the engineer has continued. - the best

Place for supervision.

- Black-and-white is a name? - Has specified Bigmen.

- Yes. And rather exact. As you can see, it divides it on two Almost equal parts. The term used by me is applied to a designation Borders between light and a shade.

- We know! - Bigmen has flared up, passing, as always, intermediate stages. -

The competent!

- And so... Their two, these a stain. One more, precisely same, is possible

To see over South Pole. At equator border of light and a shade that is lifted,

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