Erase Icon
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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: googleimage search com, edward scissorhands image, view jpg images, images photo gallery, white blood cells image
- Santiriksom Gremionisom. From record of both interviews clearly that the Dr.
Vasily incited Gremionisa to look after Gledis. You can ask the Dr.
To Vasily, for what purpose it did it, and whether has advised to it he/she is Dr. Amadejro.
Gremionisa had a habit to do long walks with Gledis, which
Pleased both and in which robot Dzhander did not accompany them. You can it
To check up, if wish, the sir.
- I can, - the Chairman has chilly told, - but if it how you speak all,
What is it shows?
- I already said that a secret of manufacturing of the humanoid robot it is possible
To receive only from Daniel - not including Dr. Fastalfa. But to death
- this secret could be learnt with the same success and from Dzhandera. Daniel
Was in the house of Fastalfa and to reach it it was hard, and Dzhander was in the house
- , and it was not so skilled, as Dr. Fastalf, in robot protection.
Whether could be that Dr. Amadejro has used periodic absences
- , when it walked with Gremionisom to talk to Dzhanderom,
Probably, to a three-measure to study its answers, to put various tests, and then
To erase all conversation that Dzhander did not inform on him Gledis? Probably, it
Has close approached to that wished to know, but the further attempts have stopped,
When Dzhander has failed. Then the attention of Dr. Amadejro was switched on
Daniel. Probably, it still had all some tests and supervision, here it
Also put yesterday a trap about which I spoke earlier in mine... My witness
The indication.
The chairman has told almost in a whisper:
- Now all converges. I am compelled to believe.
- One more last point, and to me already really will nothing to tell, -
Bailey has told. - it is quite possible that during check and testing of Dzhandera
Dr. Amadejro could casually, without any intention, result Dzhandera in
it, having lost a head, has begun to yell:
- No! I have made nothing to this robot that could lead to its destruction!
- I too think, it-it the Chairman that Dr. Amadejro has not destroyed Dzhandera. That
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