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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: digital image editing software, birthday cakes images, gyo images, chess images, sayonara zetsubou sensei icons

- Means, the termination of a life of the robot by conscious violent action

The person we too will name murder. But here in what a hitch: for the identical

The crime should be identical punishment, but whether it is correct? If

Punishment for murder of the person - death, whether that it will be applied to the person,

To put an end robot?

- Punishment to the murderer - a psychoprobe with the subsequent creation of the new person.

The crime is made by personal structure of a brain, instead of a body.

- And as on the Aurora punish for fulfilment of the violent termination Robot functions?

- I do not know, partner Ilija. As far as I know, on the Aurora never Was similar incident.

- I suspect, the psychoprobe will not be punishment. Then we will name it not simply

Bailey has more deeply taken seat in an armchair. Conversation with Daniel has helped it to forget that it

In space to forget that the ship rushes forward, it will not appear yet enough

Far from the mass centres of Solar system, and there will make the Jump through

Hyperspace; to forget that will be fast it in several millions kilometres From the Earth, and then - in several light years from it.

But it is much more important that it is possible to deduce some from this conversation

The conclusions. Clearly that Daniel's words about that it distinctions do not do

Between robots and people - error. Let to themselves they lower it "it", not Use the reference "guy", but from Daniel's refusal to use to one and those

For violent destruction of the robot and the person / this refusal is enclosed by a word

In its program, and it, in turn, is an opinion natural consequence

- about behaviour of Daniila/it is possible to conclude that all it no more than

Prejudice. And basically, it, as well as earth dwellers, are firmly assured that robots

- Cars and it is infinite below people. It means that the monstrous problem to find

The comprehensible permission of crisis / if it in general will not be possible / is complicated

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