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Tags: texas born and raised icon, cute icons and graphics, axialis icon workshop 6.10, funny valentines day buddy icons, cute xanga icons and

1. Make decision to become the investor in the real estate. You will need to incur obligations and to define the purposes.

2. Choose area on which you will concentrate. If you only begin, choose that which is familiar to you, or adjacent with it.

3. Find the objects corresponding to your criteria. Having learnt to analyze qualities of the property, you can distinguish good transactions from the bad.

4. Discuss terms of transaction. After the analysis of figures you will be ready to make the proposal, to carry on negotiations and to reach agreements.

5. Reduce together all nuances of the transaction. In all questions from display of interest before financing and settlement of points at issue, it is important to be in a course of all technical details.

6. Organise a property management. Here not so it is a lot of problems as you think, and it is one of the best ways of realisation of the majority of your investments and generating of a monetary stream.

(It is adapted from a course itRoads of the rich daddy for riches: 6 stages of formation of the successful investor in the real estateit which can be found on a site richdtd.com.)

That P.Osoznanie that the real estate-it real business. If you consider the financial report of your tenant will see, why the property which you hand over it so it is important.


For those whom management of the investment into the real estate worries, the instruction on investments into the real estate, developed by us together with itTime Lifeit, defines how to find good tenants, how to satisfy their requirements and how to provide constant inflow of money.

I hear often, how people speak: itMany people have lost the big money on the real estateit. I respond them: itIt is the truth. But the facts testify that much more people has lost much more money in the share market and on the pension plansit.

I hear also other critical remark: itthe Real estate not so is liquid, as actions or mutual fundsit. I respond such people: itevery month we with Kim receive ten thousand dollars in the form of the investment income and the income of tax advantages. It is that type of liquidity which is necessary to usit.

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