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170 it: BLOOD, SWEAT AND SLEZ/SUCCESS To for protection of traders, but also for protection of clearing firm which will be responsible if the trader emerges upwards a belly.
It should not be a shame to us with how many times for the last years traders complained of threat from outside electronic systems, in particular, on Grew dim. For example, in the markets of currency and eurodollar futures dominate it partially because of low it the market. It has led to a narrow spread between the prices it and it. The Warrant-filler on the top ring or at top level of a hole with the demand for purchase of 1000 contracts it is frequent can look opposite, at other broker who needs to sell 1 000 contracts. Thus there is no stimulus to address to lo-kalu which offers 200 contracts when the transaction can be easily executed between two orders. Such activity supersedes it, which do not have more often capital to conclude large transactions with it.
Prevalence it in eurodollars has become stronger rigid disagreements between many brokers and traders Grew dim after an interdiction of double trade. As a result of this interdiction some the warrant-fillery have lost almost half of revenue. This rupture has forced some the warrant-fillerov to avoid trade with curves always when it is possible. The group it from eurodollar and currency holes initiated formation special "committee it" on Grew dim in the mid-eighties, consisting of independent future and it traders. In view of my popularity in quality it me have asked to join this committee. Creation of the commission on studying of a stream of orders in holes was one of the first affairs of committee. Results have appeared amazing. Under currency futures between the warrant-fillerami (without participation it) consisted approximately from 75 to 80 percent of transactions. Under futures for eurodollars this percent was still above — from 90 to 95 percent. Utsivi-telno that it participated approximately in half of all transactions on it and liquid 8&?-it=it=?, than and inability it spoke to dominate in this market. It is connected with the basic line of future trade: it are necessary for liquidity maintenance.
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