Scientist Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: my computer dock icon, how to hide your online icon, glitter words and icons, icon 5, despised icon tour
The architect, - but we have left its closed, there too crowded a place. A course
Number five, to the left of it, one of the most convenient. It comes to an end in
The old pavilion occupied now with electric transformers
High voltage where we, "it", have an easy approach. Even better
The fourth course deepened in thickness of a rock on rising to mountains
Slope, there, on a ledge, there is an old building of chemical laboratory
Name of Zet Uga. From a laboratory cellar the vertical well falls,
Accessible to all who is let into a secret a temple. Other courses go in
Open places and at frequent using can be found out, but in
Flight case will be useful.
- Zet Ug - one of councillors of Four? - Has asked Rodis. - I
Did not know that it the scientist-chemist.
- At all is not present! - the architect has burst out laughing. - at us any institute,
The theatre, factory can be named by a name great which have no
Any relation neither to a science, nor to art, in general to what, except
The authorities.
- Such is custom, - as though apologising, has confirmed Tael.
- And I can see people in this hall? - Rodis has inspected
Spacious vault.
- To me it is thought, attacking here it is convenient to surround us. It in
Sanctuary of Three Steps, it on the second circle.
Vaults of the second horizon have appeared is more spacious. Here and there in them
The furniture made of an ebony or friable pig-iron, widely has escaped
Used on a planet at shortage of pure metals. On things
The most thin dust lay. Carefully polished walls of coverlets the firm
To brilliant black background two favourite paints of Tormansa - scarlet and
Kanareechno-yellow. A combination of two colours, it images, in that
Time gave them primitive wildness and force. It, involuntarily
Slowing down steps, with admiration considered creations of ancient artists
Jan. It and Gahden did not turn on a wall-painting any
How much could judge Rodis, frescos expressed inevitable arrival
The person to death on a relentless current of time.
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