Question Icon
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Tags: create an icon from a picture, icon devian, icons default, fun icon, battery charging icon
- Certainly, madam. - I speak seriously. To anybody words. It with readiness has nodded.
- But all the same thanks that you have told to me. It is very important. I will have a talk with Marlenoj and I will try to learn that her disturbs. I will not tell about our conversation words.
- Thanks. Will resolve only one question.
- What a question!
- Really the Earth will be destroyed? it has perplexed looked at it, has then forced itself to burst out laughing:
- Certainly, no! You can go.
it has watched Orinelja leave, she has regretted that has not found sensible arguments confirming to the words.
Dzhejnus Pitt even outwardly made pleasant impression that has to no small degree helped it to become the commissioner of the Rotor. For forming settlements at first selected people not above average growth, believing that thus in the limited volume of settlement it will be possible to place more inhabitants and to reduce the cost of resources. Eventually, this precaution has appeared excessive and about it have forgotten, but selection of inhabitants of pioneer settlements has affected genes of their descendants, and average growth it was on some centimetres more low, than inhabitants of later settlements.
Pitt, on the contrary, was high and, despite the fifty six years, has kept a good shape. It had grey-haired hair with the steel outflow, the extended person, dark blue eyes. Pitt has lifted a head and has smiled to entered Judzhinii Insigne though has thus felt usual awkwardness. With Judzhiniej it was always uneasy, sometimes he even got tired of it. It constantly came with such problems, to allow which was above human forces.
- Thanks, Dzhejnus that you have found at once time to accept me, - Judzhinija has told.
Pitt has switched off the computer and has leant back in an armchair, all kind trying to show that in the presence of Judzhinii he has a rest.
- Well you, - he has answered. - what between us there can be ceremonies? We too know for a long time one another.
- And much have endured together, - in tune to it has noticed Judzhinija.
- Yes-yes, - Pitt has confirmed. - as your daughter?
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