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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: xaml menuitem icon, shinra icons, ivista refflective icons, photoshop icon plug, and icons blogrings

Necessary victory for the sake of a beefsteak or a piece of a chocolate pie?

-- Certainly, no, but unless it proves that frogs not Can refuse?

-- Proves, I assure you. The brain of m-frogs for us is alien, and It is not necessary to consider that that acts on our brain, Acts and on them. But nevertheless how they are distracted by thought about Hydrocarbon, suspiciously. I would compare m-frogs with without delay Dog, instead of with the person.

-- How? - Turner has asked.

-- Think. A dog it is possible to learn to do set quite At first sight reasonable things. A being, which never Saw dogs, did not hear about them, sees, how the dog transfers Blind through street. Whom it will consider reasonable: the person Or a dog? But if this being beckons a dog a bone and will see Result, it there and then will suspect true.

Turner's eyes it. He has told: "you assert that M-frogs only the tool in hands of the person?"

-- Unless it is not probable, Turner? As soon as that has noticed Doctor Morris, m-frogs for years lived in a city, but only in Last months began to cause troubles. These also have begun Troubles from insignificant incidents, as that person, That distributed in streets the money. As though someone studied Natural abilities of frogs to telepathy, tried To use as the tool of penetration into consciousness of other people. As though at first it was necessary to practise, learn the nature and Restrictions of the tool to fix the control, yet Time of performance of main plans has come. But it at all Yeast; the control of all Solar Confederation; can be, The power over all Galaxy.

-- I can not believe, - Morris has told.

-- Then I will give you one more proof. When we were At ocean, with us told a mental voice - presumably Voice of m-frogs. He tried to force to grant us The information and then to commit suicide.

-- Well also what?

-- The voice proceeded from m-frogs, but its source not in them. Source - the person.

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