Genetics Icon
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The well-known William James meant people who and have not found Itself when has declared that the average person develops only ten Percent of the mental abilities put in him. "In comparison with With what we should be, - he wrote, - we are awake only Half. We use only small part our physical and Intellectual resources. Speaking in general, the person, thus, far not Uses the possibilities. It possesses any forces, Which usually vanish in vain ".
You and I possess certain abilities, therefore it is senseless
To endure because of that we not such as others. You represent
Itself something new in the world. Never existed the person earlier,
Which would be in accuracy same, as you, and never, even through many
Centuries, will not be same. The genetics asserts that the person
Define 24 chromosomes received from mother, 24 chromosomes brought
The father. These 48 chromosomes switch on everything that you inherit.
"In each chromosome, - tells A.Shejnfeld, - is available from some
Tens to hundreds genes, and in certain cases one gene is capable
To change all life of the given person ". Even after yours the father and
Mother have met, there is only one chance from 300000 billion that
To be born precisely same person as you. In other words, if at us
Was 300000 billion brothers and sisters, all they would differ from us.
If you doubt it, read A.Shejnfelda's book "you and
Heredity ".
I have bases to speak about necessity "to find themselves",
As it deeply mentions me. I know, about what I speak. Mine
The bitter experience has managed to me the expensive. Here an illustration: when I
For the first time has arrived to New York from corn fields of Missouri, I have entered
The American academy of drama arts. I aspired to become the actor.
To me has come to mind as I considered, a brilliant idea, so simple,
So safe that I could not understand, why thousand
Ambitious people it have not encountered yet. The idea consisted in
The following: I will study, as the well-known actors of that time - John Drju,
Uolter Hempden and Otis Skinner, achieved success. Then I was going to
To borrow better qualities of each of them and to unite them in itself. I
Thought, what is it will help me to become the most brilliant and непревзойденым
The actor. As it is silly! As it is ridiculous! I had to lose years of a life,
Imitating other people, while to my confused миссурийской башки
Cunningly that I should be oneself and that, probably, I and could not
To become someone to another.
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