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Tags: cute sister icons, icons to small on, globesurfer icon drivers, cool desktop icons, icons osx

He has written to Emerson and has called y it desire to tell to it o to itself. Soon the boy-messenger from "the Western the Union" already consisted in correspondence co Many of the most glorified people of the nation. Emerson, Phillip Bruks, Oliver Uendel Holmes, Longfello etc. steels its correspondents.

He not only corresponded c these famous people, but during time The holiday has visited many of them and has got in their houses hearty welcome.

This experience has installed in it confidence of own forces that itself on Itself it is invaluable. A acquaintance c these people has raised in him lines and Ambitious aspirations which have resolutely changed all his life. And all It, allow it to underline again, it has appeared possible it is unique Only thanks to application of principles which we discuss on these Pages.

Isaac F.Markosson who, probably, was considered as the world champion among It celebrities, has told once that that many people cannot To make favourable impression only because are not able attentively To listen. "They are so occupied by that are going to to tell that Become deaf persons... Visible people said To me that prefer the good Listeners to good story-tellers, but ability to listen meets, Probably, less often, than any other valuable quality of human nature ".

The good listener is necessary not only to outstanding people, ordinary - Too. As it has been told once in "the Reader the Digest":"Many people call Doctors while everything that is necessary for them is an attention ".

B the Lincoln has sent the most gloomy days of Civil war to one To the old friend from Springfield (State of Illinois) the letter c the request to arrive To it to Washington. The Lincoln wrote that wishes to discuss c it some Problems. The old friend has arrived to the White House, and the Lincoln during several Hours argued before it o expediency of the edition of the decree on cancellation Slavery. It has touched all pros and cons of a similar step, then Has read letters and newspaper articles, in one of which him condemned for that, That it does not release slaves, in others - that it is going to them To release. It in such spirit some hours, the Lincoln warmly Has shaken hands with the old friend, has wished it all blessings and has sent back in Illinois, at all without having taken an interest in its opinion. Actually the Lincoln Told all it is to itself. Probably, it should clear up it Thoughts. "It Seemed has lightened after has finished Conversation ", - was recollected subsequently by its friend. The Lincoln did not require in Whose council. To it it was necessary simply sympathetically, friendly adjusted The listener, it it could unburden the heart, what we require, when We are in difficulty. Pretty often it is everything that is necessary To the angry buyer, the dissatisfied worker or the offended friend.

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